
VIREX – Viral Reducing Treatment

Didžiuojamės galėdami jums pristatyti VIREX - COVID-19 viruso plitimo stabdymo technologiją, SARS-COV-2 virusinę apkrovą ant natūralaus pluošto sunaikinančią 99,9%, o ant sintetinio pluošto 99.4%.

Over the past few months RADICI R&D division has devoted most of its time and resources to find solutions to contain the spread of COVID-19. The latest study already indicates that on the textile surfaces the virus is neutralized in 24 hours, compared to the 72 hours on the other hard surfaces.

However, this data is not enough for Radici to ensure the safety of its customer and their guests. We are proud to present VIREX, Radici innovative treatment capable of reducing the viral load of SARS-COV-2 by 99.9% on natural fibers and 99.4% on synthetic fibers. Our solution is certified by a scientific report issued by an authorized ISO 17025 laboratory.

Together with the significant reduction on the SARS-COV-2 viral load, our VIREX also acts against other bacteria without compromising the technical features and comfort of our carpet. The VIREX treatment, which will be carried out exclusively in our factory, represents an  outstanding innovation not only in the textile division, but for the entire flooring market.

VIREX is available on Tufting, Wilton and Axminster carpets, as well as on our customs and luxury products.

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